Front row on Nikki's side. Check off "To Do List". Jodie & I sat together. Kristie & Lisa went also. They sat in a different section. I need to post the pictures of all 4 of us together when Kristie email's them to me. Don't worry girls I didn't forget you :)
Face Book won't let me copy & paste the pictures....gggrrrrrr!
We all had a great time at the concert! It was so fun! Only one issue was with this crazy guy right next to us. All alone and was jumping in front of us so we couldn't see & was rude. He jumped in front of me when Nikki was trying to give me a pick and took it from me! REALLY DUDE! LOSER! He wrecked Jodie chance to fist bump Brett...she was so going to take him out! LOL! But over all WE ALL HAD AN AMAZING TIME AT THE CONCERT! EVERYONE ROCKED IT OUT....YAY!
holy hell girl!!!! One of my best "dates" ever.....we had a super fab time!!!! I did however what to take out "jackass" but no biggie.
Had a great time at chemo today!! I am honored to be your BESTIE and I will always be!! You are a gift from God to me..I am honored to be Sophia's God Mother!! Friendship like ours are far an in between.... I value everything we have.. never ever doubt that.... Also had a blast playing "yahtzee" for the 1st time..and remember you only won by 39 points after "8" games!!
I love you and your family more then you will ever know! you will always be part of my life....I love you..you crazy ass chick!!
Thank you Jodie.
So feel the same way chick a poo :)
Love ya more than you know
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