Monday, May 16, 2011


So sorry I haven't been on here lately. I have/had double pneumonia. So I've been in and out of the hospital for the past 3 months. Last stay was May 2nd though May 8th. I did get home to enjoy some of Mother's Day.

I'm slowly getting better. It's just going to take some time for me to get back to 100%. So no chemo this month. Doctor wants me to get stronger so I won't end up back in the hospital. I have to say the nurse's & CNA's on the 4th floor sure did take wonderful care of me. That I am very thankful for.

I haven't let the pneumonia get me down. I'm still positive about everything. You just have to be. If your not, well I think you just let the cancer win. Why would you let cancer win???

So I tell everyone who has cancer or is in remission.....BE POSITIVE! Laugh, cry & be mad that you have it......BUT......look at yourself in the mirror and just tell yourself you can do this. BE strong....BE positive.....BUT most of all.....believe in your self.


Janel Z said...

What hole have I been in? I saw the event flyer at Platinum on Sunday.. had no idea anything was in place for you! I can't make it(kids' games), but will donate! I hope you are recovering quickly, and please call if you need any help shuffling kids or yourself back and forth!
Janel Zarantonello

Anonymous said...

AWESOME post Juli! Glad you're feeling better!!

~Nikki H.

Anonymous said...

Hey Julie,I just read something on your blog,something I need to hear.Thankyou Diana Tilden'Lingenfelter