Look at all these amazing people! What a day it was. Close to 650 people signed up! 500 walked!

Adam walking.

My son Jory, Beth & Kristen running.

They walked on a hot day for me. You can see them all as far as your eyes can see. AMAZING!

The start to a great day. Thanks to Eddie for the limo. Kids loved it!
I can never thank the group of family & friends who put on the "Team Juli" 5K walk. I have the most amazing family & friends. I mean really.....they all worked so hard to do this. They all made my heart so happy that I can never say thank you enough. It's hard enough to have cancer but to have stage 4 breast cancer talkes a toll on everyone around you. I thank god everyday that I wake up. Everyday is a blessing. That I know.
Everyone should be thankful that they wake up everyday and see their family & friends. I am. So take a moment and say thank you to god for being here. I do.
I am thankful for every second & every friend. I am thankful for my family. I will be strong. I will stay positive.
Stand up to cancer and don't let it run you. You run the cancer. You take charge of your cancer. You be strong. Strong enough for the world to be on your shoulders. You can do it. I do it everyday. If I can......YOU CAN!
I am so proud of you Juli! I hope you take out the glasses I sent you and have a toast with your family. You deserve it! And you have the most amazing friends & family backing you. The slogan says "Army Strong".........I say "JULI Strong!!!" Love you, Candy Traxler
Julie you are a true inspiration to everyone!! The day said it all..Yes, you are truly blessed to have such a loving support circle of family and friends...I can't even begin to explain the feeling I had when I saw all those people out there for you:) I think of you all the time and you are always in my prayers...Stay strong & God Bless!!
What an AMAZING turnout!! I can't imagine how you felt seeing all of those people walking alongside you in support and love. Thank you for sharing the pictures, and most of all, thank you for sharing your inspiring message!! You are a true warrior!
Love always!
Nikki H.
What a day that was! It's so nice that you've posted all those pictures so we can remember how terrific it was. A day just for you and your family. Thanks for keeping this blog going,too. Really appreciate being able to stay "in the loop".
Aunt Dorothy
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