Sunday, April 29, 2012

Well after my stay in the hospital 2 weekends ago I was given 2 weeks off of chemo. So I've been enjoying it. Steve & I had dinner with our friends Scott & Lori. That was just by chance. Had a nice time. Then we went to the boat. Hung out with our friend we call her Jin Nay Nay...haha! Then ran into our son Nicholas who was out with his girl friend. They all went out for Sommers birthday.  So we all hung out with them for a while.

It was nice to see people I haven't seen in a long time. It was all the kid's friends. Which I call them my kids. They call me momma Palmer & Steve they call daddy Palmer....hahaha! The guys just call us by our first names. Oh I just love those kids! Well I guess I shouldn't call them kids anymore Their all over 21. LOL! I met new people who are either dating that person or just freinds with them. So that was nice.

So everything is going good. This coming week I have my test, PET scan, MRI & CT scan to do. So when I go back for chemo we'll have more of a handle on how my liver is. The next treatment on my liver is to FREEZE yeah I said that FREEZE my tumors in my liver to kill them. I have to say that is really strange but hey if it works it works.

Alright folks have a wonderful week & will post again soon. Everyone out there keep strong & be happy. Life is just too short not to get out there and live it. Laugh when you can because it always makes you feel better. Cry when you need to because that makes you feel better too. Believe in yourself and know you can do whatever if you set your mind to it.

If you have cancer do what I do.....I laugh in the face of cancer & say you will never take me! Fight it & beat it. Be positive always. To be positive is what helps you face it & take it down.

Peace & Positive thoughts to all of you.

Be a fighter.....fight against that

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