Friday, April 23, 2010

Well here I go biggie!

I'm a fighter....I am a cancer warrior.....I will survive...............

Well it was my choice to remove the hair that keep falling out and out. It comes to a point where you get so sick of it on you, in your hands when you wash your hair. It falls in your food. Which is truly gross!

I have to say it gives you the one up on cancer. Because you are the one who can control when the hair is shaved. I took the control and I made that choice. I won't let it control me. At any point in my fight with this cancer it will not control me.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You are BEAUTIFUL with or without hair! I love your attitude....never lose that spunk:)

Love you,
Nikki Hagerty

P.S. I have the same comforter that's in your picture...LOL! Just thought that was funny:)