Just some pictures that I took the day I had the CT scan. I cried and cried when I was getting the CT scan done. It just sucked. Plain and simple it sucked.
I think I cried until I came to where I wanted to take some pictures. That is by far the one thing I can do and it brings me peace of mind.
Who knows maybe it was just a sign from the big guy to tell me to hang in there it will get better.
Then as I'm taking pictures the sun was out and it started to rain and rain hard. Sun still out and there it was, a double rain bow. The second one is hard to see but it's there.
Maybe it was a sign to bring me peace. Peace of mind. I don't know why I have cancer yet again but who knows why we get the things we do. Maybe I'm here to show everyone out there that cancer isn't all that bad. You can be a positive person even with cancer. Maybe I have to show my children to be strong when the chips are down. Or you can do whatever you want if you put your mind to it. Not sure why I've been dealt this but I will make the best of it.
That's all I have to give. I just have me to give. Give to each of you the power to and the will to fight. Fight for life. A voice for all to hear that you can beat cancer and you can be positive about your cancer. You just have to be. If your not it's more likely you will die faster than someone who is willing to fight and be that positive person.
You make the choice. You make the choice to be positive. You make the choice to stand up and say I will not let cancer take me. You make the choice to be the better person in life. And you make the choice to be who you are. Only you can make that choice.
You are a fighter!! I have never seen you not be positive. It will be ok and you fight as always! Love you!
You rock Juli! You are my inspiration!!! I have no idea how you find the courage to be so strong and smile! Thru all this bullshit...you smile and make others laugh! That's why you're my bestest buddy!!! I love ya sister! I mean that with my whole heart! You're the absolulte best!!
You're my hero Juli!
Love always....Nikki H.
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